Diversity, Equity and the Healthcare System

hand stacking blocks with the words belonging, inclusion, diversity and equity

Diversity, Equity and the Healthcare System Eric M. Yoshida OBC, MD, FRCP(C), Division of Gastroenterology at the University of British Columbia, Chairperson of Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) Medical Advisory Committee and a member of the CLF’s Board of Directors Executive Committee. Natasha Chandok MD, MPH, FRCP(C), Division of Gastroenterology, Western […]

International PBC Day

On International PBC Day, we want to put a face on this progressive liver disease so that we may work to recognize how to better diagnose, treat and cure it.


It begins with a diagnosis. That is the pivotal factor keeping hepatitis B, a ‘silent’ liver disease that attacks the liver for 20-40 years, from causing those affected by it to develop cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure.

Expanding Transplant Horizons

Surgeon handling a liver transplant

An estimated 20 percent of donor livers are being turned away due to seemingly unavoidable damages like sitting on ice too long, being deprived of oxygen, being infected with viruses (such as hepatitis B or C), or being too fatty.